All images copyright Robin Mercurio. All rights reserved. 

When I think about what defines my photography, I am reminded of the famous quote, “life is a journey, not a destination.”  My photography expresses the experiences that have influenced my life and drives me to explore the future.  Like most paths, mine was not a straight line to photography.  My passion for creating led me to designing interiors and furniture, but the road began with food.  I have always had a love for baking.  Growing up in an Italian family makes it’s hard to escape from food.  When I walk in the door, the first thing I was are asked is “what do you want to eat?” Hungry or not I was handed a plate, and no matter how much I resisted, I never left hungry or empty handed.  My grandmother was the baker in the family, and she passed that love down to me.  She taught me what ingredients added more flavor, which flour rose better, and which presentations were most artful.  Whatever she made not only had to be delicious, but it also had to look appetizing.

My goal is to create photographs that evoke thought and call attention to what may have been forgotten or overlooked.  As an artist I create images by finding beauty and interest in subtle details.  I construct photos by capturing the right light, creating a sense of mood, and designing a dynamic composition.